Alternative Payment Accounts
If you have been through the check out procedure, you may have noticed that one of the payment methods is called an Alternative Payment Account. These are accounts that are set up by contacting McGrath's Bakehouse and having us associate your email address with an Alternative Payment Account.
If you do not have an Alternative Payment Account, yet check out with that option selected, your order will be immediately cancelled and will have to resubmit your order.
If you are interested in having an Alternative Payment Account, please contact us and let us know which method of payment you prefer.
Alternative Payment Accounts can be used for the following purposes:
- Pay cash or check when you pick up at McGrath's Bakehouse only
- Pay with store credit. This was initially created as a transition from our previous web store platform where store credit was the main method of payment. However, it is still a very convenient method of payment for the customer. Customers will put $100 or more on their account at a time and then not have to worry about payments until that amount runs out. We will even give you an extra 3-5% cash (see the below section "How To Add Store Credit") on your account just for choosing this payment method. If you pay with store credit, you will receive an extra email with every order informing you of your new balance and transaction history.
How To Add Store Credit:
- Mail us a check and receive 5% extra cash on your account when you pay $100 or more (ex. you pay $100, your account gets $105).
- Mail to: McGrath's Bakehouse, 1420 Arcona Rd. Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
- Pay Electronically and receive 3% extra cash on your account when you pay $100 or more (ex. you pay $100, your account gets $103). You can pay with the links below if you have a PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, please email us to request an invoice for the amount you wish to put on your account so that you can pay with a credit or debit card OR you can sign up for a free PayPal account here and benefit from the secure checkout accepted by millions of merchants worldwide (what is PayPal?).
- When you pay with the links below, please add a comment that this is for adding store credit to your account.
- Payments will take several hours to show up on your account, as we have to manually add the money in the system.
- Add $100 to your account
- Add $250 to your account
- Add a different amount to your account (There is no minimum deposit requirement)
- Request an invoice:
- Discontinue Alternative Payment Account: If your balance is getting low, and you wish to no longer maintain a balance through an Alternative Payment Account, just let us know. We can issue you a discount code that can be used for your next order. Whatever remaining balance that the discount code does not cover will need to be paid with a different payment method (credit card, PayPal, or Pay With Amazon).